Who can do this with default user permissions?
School Network Level Administrators, School Network Dashboard Owners, School Network Staff, School Level Administrators, School Staff, Teachers
The Quiz List Report shows you information about your Accelerated Reader quizzes. For each quiz that you include on the report, you will see the quiz number, quiz language, title, author, interest level, ATOS book level, the points students can earn, the word count, and whether the book is fiction or non-fiction.
- If you are not already on the Reports page, select Reports on the Home page; then, select Accelerated Reader / Reading Practice in the menu that opens.
The Reports page will open with the Accelerated Reader / Reading Practice tab selected. - Select Quiz List Report in the Management Reports section of the page. (If you have added the report to the Pinned Reports, you will find it under that section at the top of the page.)
- Use the drop-down list to choose the school.
- Select Choose Quizzes to select the quizzes to include on the report. (If some quizzes are already selected, the button changes to Change Quizzes.)
- In the window that opens, use the Quiz Search field to search for each quiz that you want to include in the report. You can search by keyword, title, author, or quiz number.
In the search results, tick the quizzes that you want to include in the report. Those quizzes will be added to the list on the right. Continue to search and add quizzes - the ones you have already selected will remain in the list.
If you want to remove a quiz from the list, select Remove next to the quiz title (or Remove All to remove all quizzes.
You can narrow your results using the filters. Select Filters to the right of the search field. Then, choose one of the categories on the left side of the Filters window.
You can choose to include fiction, non-fiction or both (or undefined for quizzes that do not have a designation, such as some Teacher-Made Quizzes).Any filters that you have chosen will be ticked on the left. If you want to clear the filters that you have applied, select Clear All. When you are ready to close the filters, select Close.
After you close the filters window, the filters that are applied are shown below the search field. You can select the X on a filter to remove it, or select Clear All to remove all filters.
When you have finished selecting quizzes, select Apply at the bottom of the window. When you return to the report page, it will show how many quizzes you selected.
- Next, choose the scale for the book levels on the report - ATOS or Lexile® Measure.
- Choose how the quizzes will be sorted. You can sort by title, author, quiz number, fiction/non-fiction, book level (difficulty level), or points.
- Select Update Report under the report options. The report will open under those options.
To create a PDF file of the report that you can print, select the PDF icon in the top right corner of the page.
The report will open in a new tab in your browser; use the browser or PDF options that are available to print the report. - When you are ready to leave the page, you can select the Home button to go back to the Home page. To go back to the Reports page, select the Reports button (circled below) or the Back to Reports link.