Use this preference to decide the following:
- whether students are asked how they read a book (read To, read With, or read Independently) for TWI monitoring
- whether students have the option to use Recorded Voice when it is available for Reading Practice Quizzes
How to Get to This Preference
To get to the Individual Student Quiz Settings page, follow these steps:
- On the Home page, select your initials in the top right corner. Then, choose Edit Preferences from the menu that appears.
- Select Quiz Settings under the Individual Student Preferences on the Preferences page.
How to Set the Preference
Who can do this with default user permissions?
School network-level administrators, school-level administrators, teachers
School network-level administrators can set the preference for students in all classes at all schools. School-level administrators can set the preference for students in all classes at their schools. Teachers can set the preference for students in their classes. Other staff cannot set the preference unless they have been granted special permissions, but they can view the settings.
- If you have access to more than one school, use the Schools drop-down list to choose the school whose classes you want to set the preference for.
- Select the Classes drop-down list to choose the class that you want to set the preference for.
- Select the Students drop-down list to choose the students that you want to set the preference for. Then, tick the students. If you want to set the preference for all of the students in the selected classes, click Select All. (The link changes to Clear All when you do this; select that link if you want to clear all selections.)
- The students in the class are listed. In the first column, for each student, choose whether each student should be asked how the book was read (To, With, or Independently). Always Independent means that the student will not be asked the question, and the software will assume that all books read by the student were read independently. Ask TWI Question means the question will be asked.
- In the second column, for each student, choose one of the following settings for Reading Practice Quizzes that have Recorded Voice available:
- On: All: Choose this setting if, by default, you want the student to take quizzes with Recorded Voice no matter how the book was read (To, With, or Independently). Even though using Recorded Voice will be the default, the student can still choose not to use Recorded Voice for the quiz.
- On: Read to or With: Choose this setting if, by default, you want the student to take a quiz with Recorded Voice on books that were Read To or Read With. Even though using Recorded Voice will be the default for books that are Read To or Read With, the student can still choose whether or not to use Recorded Voice for the quiz.
- Off: All: Choose this setting if you do not want the student using Recorded Voice for any quiz. If you choose this setting, the student will not have the option to use Recorded Voice.
If you want to use the same setting for all of the selected students, select Set All above the table.
In the popup window, choose the setting that you prefer from each drop-down list; then, select Apply to All. (You still need to save your changes.)
- Select Save Changes to save your settings. (Select < Back to go back to the Preferences page.)