Use this preference to set the minimum percentage correct score required to pass a Reading Practice Quiz or Article Quiz. The passing percentage is set separately for quizzes with 10 or fewer questions and those with more than 10 questions.
When you change the passing percentage scores, your change will not affect quizzes that have already been taken. Those quizzes remain passed or failed based on the passing percentage setting that was in effect at the time they were taken.
This preference affects Reading Practice Quizzes and Article Quizzes, but not Literacy Skills Quizzes or Vocabulary Practice Quizzes; see Passing Percentage.
Changes to this preference take effect the next day. The setting remains in effect until it is changed, even when the school year changes.
How to Get to This Preference
To get to the Passing Percent preference page, follow these steps:
- On the Home page, select your initials in the top right corner. Then, choose Edit Preferences from the menu that opens.
- Select Passing Percentage under the School Preferences on the Preferences page.
How to Set the Preference
Who can do this with default user permissions?
School network-level administrators, school-level administrators
School network level administrators can set the Passing Percentage preference for all schools on your site. School level administrators can set the preference for their schools. Other staff and teachers cannot set the preference unless they have been granted special permissions, but they can view the settings.
- Your schools are listed. For each school, enter the minimum percentage correct score required to pass quizzes with 10 or fewer questions and the minimum score for quizzes with more than 10 questions. (If you have started to make changes and you want to start over, select Undo Changes.)
If you want to set the same passing percentages for all schools at once, select Set All. Then, enter the passing percentages that you want to use for quizzes with 10 or fewer questions and for quizzes with more than 10 questions. When you have finished, select Apply to All. - When you have finished changing the percentages, select Save Changes. Note that your changes will take effect the next day.
- To go back to the list of preferences select < Back at the top of the page.