On this page, you can see whether the students that you are transferring have been matched to students that were already on your site.
Matching is important if you have already added the students to your own site. When students who are being transferred are matched correctly to the students you have added to your site, the students' records will be merged automatically during the transfer, and you will not need to manually merge each individual student's records.
Viewing the Status for Each Student in the Import As Column
For each student, check the Import As column:
- Matched means the student being transferred has been matched to a student who already exists on your site. The software will merge the accounts for the student.
- New Student means that a student being transferred has not been found on your site. Therefore, the student's account will be copied to your site, where it will be a "New Student" - a student who has not been on your site before.
Regardless of whether students are matched and merged or copied/imported as new students, students' Star Reading, Star Maths, and Star Early Literacy assessments, Accelerated Reader quiz records, and mastery information will be transferred. Star scores will include benchmark categories.
You should also check the initial (flag) column. Students marked with the the icon require extra review; either the student has been matched, but the match is uncertain, or the student has not been matched, but Renaissance has found one or more existing students on your site who may possibly be a match.
To search for a specific student, enter the student's name; then, select Search. To clear a search, select in the search field.
In the list of students, you can select Edit to change a student's status. This lets you look for a match for unmatched students (New Student) or to check and possibly clear a match for Matched students. For more information, see Transfer Student Data - Review and Edit Student Match. Matching students correctly saves you work later by preventing accidental matches and preventing the need to manually merge unmatched records.
When you return to the list of students after reviewing a student's match, you will see a tick in the Reviewed column for that student. This helps you keep track of which students you have reviewed and which you have not.
To narrow the list to students who have/have not been reviewed, those in certain years, or those who are matched or not matched, use the drop-down lists. (You can select the "Clear" link to the right to see the full list of students again.)
When You Have Finished
When you have finished reviewing the matches for the students you are transferring, select the < Back link at the top of the page to go back.