There are two ways to search: Basic Search and Advanced Search. You can use the search capability to find book and quiz information. You can also determine whether you have a particular book and/or a quiz for the book.
For more information, see Search Results. You can also use the search results to create Book and Quiz Lists.
Basic Search
The Basic Search is the default search. Use it to quickly find a specific book or quiz title when you have the title, author, quiz number or ISBN number.
- On the Home page, click Book/Quiz Search.
- Choose how you want to match the text you enter: Contains (default), Starts with or Exact phrase.
- Use the drop-down list to select the type of item you are searching for: Title (default), Author, Quiz Number or ISBN.
- Type your search term into the blank field.
- Use the Titles per page drop-down list to select the number of titles (search results) you want displayed per page: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 75 or 100.
- Click Search. See Search Results.
Advanced Search
Use Advanced Search to expand or define your search results by entering more detailed information before you search.
- On the Home page, click Book/Quiz Search.
- Click Advanced Search for expanded search options.
- On the Advanced Search page, choose how to match your search term: Contains, Starts with or Exact phrase.
- In the blank fields, enter Title, Author and/or Publisher.
- Use the first drop-down list to choose whether to find Fiction and Non-fiction books (default), Fiction books only or Non-fiction books only.
- If you want to limit the search results to books with points in a specific range, enter a points range.
- Below the points range, you can choose whether to change the book levels that are shown for books in the results. If the software is set up to show ATOS book levels, you can select Show Lexile® Measure to change it to show those levels. If it is set up to show Lexile® Measures, you can select Show ATOS Book Level. If you make a change here, you are also changing the book level that is selected in the General Preference.
- If you want to limit your search results to books with a specific Interest Level, use the second drop-down list to choose that Interest Level. Your choices are Any Interest Level, Lower Years (LY) for ages 5-8, Middle Years (MY) for ages 9-13, Middle Years Plus (MY+) for ages 12 and above and Upper Years (UY) for ages 14 and above.
If you select an Interest Level, you can enter a Book Level range to limit search results to books within that range. - Use the Topics and Subtopics drop-down lists if you want to narrow your search results to books on specific topics or subtopics.
- If you have defined Custom Fields, you can select a value you have set, Any Value or Not Assigned in either drop-down list for the Custom Fields. See General Preferences to define Custom Fields.
- In the right column, use the quiz and book drop-down lists to limit the search results to books and quizzes that you own or do not own. In each drop-down list, you can select Any (default), Yes or No. (Note that current Accelerated Reader customers own all quizzes.)
- If you want to limit your search results to books that you have marked as owned and for which you have designated a specific location, you can choose the location. The default is Any Book Location.
- If you know when the quiz was released, use the Quiz Released drop-down list to select from the past 7, 15, 30, 60, 90 or 180 days or Any Time (the default).
- Use the Quiz Type drop-down to select the specific type of quiz you are searching for: Any Quiz Type (default), Reading Practice (RP), Literacy Skills (LS), Recorded Voice (RV) or Vocabulary Practice (VP).
- In the Titles per page drop-down list, select 10, 20 (default), 30, 40, 50, 75 or 100 to specify the number of titles that will appear on each page.
- Click Search. See Search Results.
If you want to search again and need to reset all of the fields, click Reset all Fields at the bottom of the page.