The User Accounts tab is where you can view your user account information (including the school activation code, subscription expiration and school contact information) and change your user password.
View Account Information and Change Password
- On the Home page click User Accounts.
The User Accounts page opens. This page lists the account holder's first and last name, the school activation code, the subscription expiration date and the contact information for the account.
- To edit your Active Account, click Edit.
- The Edit Active Account page opens where you can edit your email address, first name, last name and password. Note: Passwords are case-sensitive.
The way you enter your name in your user account determines how your name will appear on the Informational Letter and Teacher Lists.
To use a title (Mr, Mrs, Miss, Ms, Dr, etc.), enter it as part of your first name (Mrs Jane Doe) or in place of your first name (Mr Doe).
- To save your changes, click Update. (To cancel without saving changes, click Cancel.)
Invite a New User
- On the Home page click User Accounts.
- On the User Accounts page, to invite a new user to Accelerated Reader Bookguide, click Invite a New User. The Invite New User page opens.
- The School Activation Code is listed. Fill in the name and email address of the person you would like to invite to become a user of Accelerated Reader Bookguide.
- Click Invite User.
A message will tell you that an invitation has been sent to the person you listed. This email contains instructions about how that person can set up his or her own Accelerated Reader Bookguide user account. - Click Done when you have finished.
Create a New Account with a New Activation Code
- Go to (UK) or (Australia).
- Click Create a new account.
- Type in the Activation code listed in the Accelerated Reader Bookguide Welcome email you received.
The activation code may already be entered if you clicked the link in the email you received to open the Create a New Account panel.
- Enter your first and last name. (If you want a title included, type it as part of a your first name with a space, such as "Mr James", or enter the title only as described above.)
- Enter your email address.
- Enter a password in the final two fields. Make sure it has six or more characters and at least one number, and make sure you enter the same password in both fields. Note that passwords are case-sensitive.
- Click OK. Your account will be created.
- Within a few minutes, you will receive an email confirmation. Click the link in the email to validate your account. Your account must be validated before you can access it.
After validating, you can log in to Accelerated Reader Bookguide using your email address and password.