Accelerated Reader Bookfinder is a web-based search tool that was created for parents, guardians, students, teachers and librarians to search for appropriate Accelerated Reader books and articles. You can find it at for the UK or for Australia.
In Accelerated Reader Bookfinder, you can:
- Search for book titles or article quiz titles (using either Quick or Advanced Search).
- Add book titles to the AR BookBag.
- Print the book titles to a PDF that have been added to the AR BookBag.
- View collections of books.
- View books that are available in Renaissance myON Reader - a student-centered, personalised literacy platform that offers unlimited access to enhanced digital books.
- View and/or print teacher lists created in Accelerated Reader Bookguide (requires a keycode to access). Your school may not use teacher lists.
If you cannot find the book or Accelerated Reader quiz you are looking for, you may suggest a new Accelerated Reader quiz:
When you are ready to take a quiz, log in to Accelerated Reader on your school's Renaissance site. See How to Take Accelerated Reader Quizzes (Students).