On the Turn On Target tab or the Edit Target Theme page, you can choose which target model to use with your class. Targets motivate students to grow in their reading. The Turn On Targets tab is available the first time you come to the targets tab of the Record Book for each class; the Edit Target Theme page opens when you choose Change Target Model while editing targets on the Student Targets tab in the Accelerated Reader Record Book.
The choice that you make on this page also sets the Reading Targets Model preference for the class.
Although you can change the selected target model for a class, the best approach is to set the model at the beginning of the school year and to leave that model in place until the school year is done so that students are not confused by a change in how they see their reading progress.
Selecting the School and Class (Turn On Targets Tab Only)
If you are on the Turn On Targets tab, use the drop-down lists at the top of the page to choose the school and class that you want to work with. (Drop-down lists are available if you have access to more than one school and/or class.) Drop-down lists are not available on the Edit Targets Theme page since you are changing the target model for the class you were working with.
Once you have chosen the class you want to work with, notice the school year summary information that is shown at the top of the page. You will see your students' average book level, the number of books they have read this school year, the number of articles they have read, the percentage of non-fiction they have read, and the number of words they have read (based on passed Reading Practice Quizzes and Article Quizzes).
Choosing a Target Model
There are three target models available; the model names are based on the ages/years of your students. These target models are described below, and the model that best matches the years of the students in your class is marked "Suggested for this class" on the page. Note: If you do not have permission to change the target model, you will not see the three choices listed below, though you can select a marking period for targets; the second target model with the rocket will be used when you select Turn On Targets.
Recommended for Years 1-3 (UK), Years K-2 (Australia), Years P2-P4 (Scotland and Northern Ireland), or Years SI - 2nd Class (Republic of Ireland)
This is an engaging target model for the youngest students. Students earn tokens when they pass quizzes, and those tokens count toward character badges. Teachers select the student Star test scores (or year-level equivalents) to base targets on; then, they set the expected amount of daily reading time. Based on these selections, the software calculates each student's target for passed quizzes for the students' entire school year (not individual marking periods). Targets are based on the number of tokens required for each badge because students see the targets in terms of how many badges they need to earn. For more information, see Setting Badge and Token Targets for Young Students in the Accelerated Reader Record Book and the Target-Setting Chart for Emerging Readers.
Recommended for Years 4-6 (UK), Years 3-5 (Australia), Years P5-P7 (Scotland and Northern Ireland), or Years 3rd Class - 5th Class (Republic of Ireland)
In this target model, teachers set targets for students' average percentage correct, points earned, and reading range; these targets are selected for specific marking periods. When students view their progress, their points earned are represented by a rocket traveling toward a planet, and students can see how close they are to the target, how much time is left, and whether they are on track to meet their target. A gauge shows students whether they are meeting their average percentage correct target; for reading ranges, a message tells the student more about how their book selection matches the reading range. Students can also see information about their reading, including the number of quizzes they have passed, the number of words they have read, and the percentage of fiction and non-fiction they have read. Below that, students can see their Star Reading and Star Maths scores if they have scores from the selected marking period. A Marking Period drop-down list lets students see whether they met past targets .
If you decide to use this target model, after you select it, you can use the Marking Period drop-down list to choose which marking period you want to set targets for first:
Recommended for Years 7+ (UK), Years 6+ (Australia), Years S1+ (Scotland and Northern Ireland), or Years 6th Class+ (Republic of Ireland)
This target model is similar to the previous model, but using images that are suitable for older students. As in that model, teachers set marking period targets for students' average percentage correct, points earned, and reading range. Students see all the same information that they see in the previous model; however, instead of a rocket, students are shown their points progress on a bar graph.
If you decide to use this target model, after you select it, you can use the Marking Period drop-down list to choose which marking period you want to set targets for first:
Saving Your Target Model
After you select a target model for the first time, select Turn On Targets. Accelerated Reader will notify you that it is setting your students' targets (based on their Star Reading tests or years). When the targets are ready, select See Targets. You will go to the Student Targets tab of the Accelerated Reader book, where you can see students' targets and your students' progress; you can also edit targets if necessary.
If you are changing your target model on the Edit Target Theme page, select Save Changes to change the target model.