On this page, you can see which books and articles that your school has quizzes for, and you can decide which books and articles you want to allow your students to take quizzes on.
At the top of the page, you have chosen managing Book Titles from the first drop-down list. (If you want to view your quizzes of a specific type, select this phrase again and choose the quiz type; when you select a specific type of quiz, you can also take sample quizzes.)
If you have access to more than one school and you want to choose a different school, click the selected school in the sentence. In the window that opens, click the school whose books and articles you want to see; then, select Apply.
All books and articles that the school has Accelerated Reader quizzes for are listed. For each quiz, you will see the title, author, quiz number and language, fiction or non-fiction, the quiz types available, the Lexile®* measure and ATOS book level (with the interest level after each), and the points available for Reading Practice Quizzes. You will also see the beginning of a description of the book; to see the full description, select [...].
You can choose to sort the list by relevance to a search you have done or title.
Finding Books and Articles That Meet Specific Criteria
To narrow the list to specific books or articles, you can search or use filters.
If you have searched for a term and you want to go back to the full list of quizzes, remove all text from the search field and click the magnifying glass.
If you use filters, choose from the following (you can use more than one filter):
- F/NF: Include fiction, non-fiction, or both.
- Interest Level: Include LY (lower years, ages 5-8), MY (middle years, ages 9-13), MY+ (ages 12 and above), and/or UY (upper years, ages 14 and above). For Teacher-Made Quizzes that were not assigned an interest level, tick "Unknown (Teacher-Made Quiz)". You can choose any or all of the interest levels.
Points: Include books whose Reading Practice Quizzes have specific point values (and articles, which are always worth one point). Move the circles to set the lower and upper limits of the range you would like to include in search results.
ATOS BL: Include books and articles within a specific book level range. Move the circles to set the lower and upper limits of the range to include.
- Lexile® measure: Include books and articles within a specific Lexile® measure range. Move the circles to set the lower and upper limits of the range to include.
- Language: Choose to include English titles.
- Quiz Type: Choose to narrow the list to titles with Article, Literacy Skills, Reading Practice, Teacher-Made, and/or Vocabulary Practice Quizzes.
Published Date: Choose start and end dates to see a list of book and article titles that have had quizzes published during that date range. You can enter the dates in the fields or select them in the calendars. If you decide not to use dates you have entered, select Clear dates above the date fields.
Once you choose a filter, it is ticked in the list - see F/NF in the example below. You can clear the filters you have applied by selecting Clear All at the bottom of the pop-up window. To close the filter window, select Close.
When you have filters selected and you have closed the pop-up window, you see the filters below the search field. See the F/NF and ATOS BL filters in the example below. If you decide to remove a filter, you can select the X for a single filter, or you can select Clear All to remove all filters.
Changing Book/Quiz Availability
On the Books page, administrators can also choose which book and article titles are visible to students in a school. For titles that are visible (available), students at the school can find the titles and take Accelerated Reader quizzes of any type; for those that are hidden, students at the school will not be able to find or take Accelerated Reader quizzes for the title. Titles that you make hidden will also not be shown in your students' book ideas. Note that there is a limit to the number of books you can hide; the limit and the number of books and articles you have hidden are shown in blue at the top of the page.
If you want to hide all articles for one or more schools, use the Article Quiz Availability preference instead. Note that if you use that preference to turn off articles and article quizzes, you will still see the articles on the Manage Books & Quizzes page, and articles will still be shown as available on that page.
The changes that you make to book/quiz availability affect the school that you selected at the top of the page.
Follow these steps:
- Use a search or filters to narrow the list to a group of titles that you want to concentrate on. (See the instructions above.) Although you can work with the entire list, searching or using filters can help you work with similar titles at the same time.
- In the list of results, each book and article has an icon that shows whether it is visible to students (
) or hidden (
). This status applies to all quiz types that exist for that book: Reading Practice, Literacy Skills, Vocabulary Practice, and/or Article Quiz.
Note that there is a limit to the number of books and articles you can hide; the limit and the number of books and articles you have hidden are shown in blue at the top of the Manage Books page. (If you want to hide many books and articles based on their book levels or interest levels, consider using the Book Level Restrictions Preference or the Interest Levels Restrictions Preference.)
To change the visibility of a book or an article for students, tick the book or article; then, choose Visible to Students or Hide from Students above the list.
If you want to select all of the books and articles on the page of results, tick the box above the list, next to the buttons.
- A message will remind you that you are making a certain number of quizzes available or unavailable. To continue, select Yes; to cancel, select No. The icon for each book or article title will change to reflect the status of quizzes for that book or article.
Note: If you have reached the limit for hidden books and articles, you will see a note instead letting you know that you cannot hide more books and articles; click OK.
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