On this page you can view the Article Quizzes that are available for your school. Note: The Article Quiz Availability preference sets whether article quizzes are available to students at each school; if they are not available, students will not see the articles and quizzes that you will see on this page.
At the top of the page, you have chosen viewing Article Quizzes from the first drop-down list. (If you want to view a different type of quiz, select this phrase again and choose a different quiz type; if you are an administrator, you will also have the option to manage books.)
If you have access to more than one school and you want to choose a different school, click the selected school in the sentence. In the window that opens, click the school whose quizzes you want to view; then, select Apply.
Use the search field to find specific Article Quizzes available at your school.
After searching, scroll through the list to see the results. If you see more than 25 results, use the arrows at the bottom to go to the next page , the last page
, the previous page
, or the first page of results
You can narrow your results using the filters. Select Filters () to the right of the search field. Then, choose one of the categories on the left side of the Filters window.
You can choose from the following:
- Points: Use the circles to define a range of points to include. The results will only include quiz titles whose points fall within the range you choose. Article Quizzes are worth 1 point.
- ATOS BL: Use the circles to define the range of ATOS Book Levels to include. Only quiz titles with book levels in that range will be included.
- Lexile® measure*: Use the circles to define the range of Lexile® measures to include.
- Published Date: Choose start and end dates to see a list of Article Quizzes published during that date range. You can enter the dates in the fields or select them in the calendars. If you decide not to use dates you have entered, select Clear dates above the date fields.
Any filters that you have chosen will be checked on the left. If you want to clear the filters that you have applied, select Clear All (). When you are ready to close the filters, select Close (
After you close the filters window, the filters that are applied are shown below the search field. You can select X on a filter to remove it, or select Clear All to remove all filters.
You can also choose how to sort your search results: by relevance to your search or by title (A to Z or Z to A).
For each quiz, you will see the title, description, Lexile® measure and ATOS book level (Level) (with the interest level after each), "Nonfiction," and the number of points students can earn.
The icon under the quiz type shows you whether the quiz is visible to students. (Administrators can choose whether quizzes are visible to students by managing books.)
If you want to see an article and its quiz as a student will see them, select View Article/Quiz. Read the article; then, select Next. Then, select Take Quiz to take the quiz on the article. When you're done, select Close Window.
If the button is unavailable, you have not been given permission to take a sample quiz. If the selected school has no classes, you can't take a sample quiz; you will see an error message if you select View Article/Quiz.
To go back to the previous page, select < Back at the top of the page.
To see the quizzes that students have taken and the students' scores, go to the Accelerated Reader Record Book.
* LEXILE®, the LEXILE® logo and POWERV® are trademarks of MetaMetrics, Inc., and are registered in the United States and abroad. Copyright © 2022 MetaMetrics, Inc. All rights reserved.