This page shows you the student's score for the Reading Practice that you selected, both as a percentage and the number correct.
If you want to change the student's score, select the first item in the quiz below the quiz score.
You will see the question, the student's answer (Student Response), and whether that answer is correct. If the student chose the wrong answer, you will also see which answer is correct. To change how an item is scored, select the drop-down list and choose 1 for a correct answer or 0 for an incorrect answer.
When a student reviews the questions on the quiz, the student will still see his or her original answer (and the intended correct answer if the student's answer is different). This is because you are changing the student's score for the answer, not the answer itself. The score that the student sees on the quiz results page will reflect the changes that you made.
To go to the next question, select question 2 at the top of the page. (If you prefer, you can select a different question to see next.)
When you have finished rescoring questions, select Return to Summary.
You will return to the Activity Summary, and the score shown will reflect any changes you have made.
Mastery is only shown for Literacy Skills Quizzes, not other quiz types.
When you have finished viewing the summary, select Done to go back to the Accelerated Reader Record Book.