Accelerated Reader reports provide more information about your quizzes and students and students' quiz scores. Teachers can print reports for their classes. School staff and school administrators can print reports for any classes in the school. School network staff and school network administrators can print reports for any classes or students in any school in the district.
On the Home page, select Reports; then, select Accelerated Reader / Reading Practice from the menu.
You will go to the Reports page, with the Accelerated Reader/Reading Practice tab selected.
On this tab, you will see an icon for each of the reports or views that are available. Select a report or dashboard to open it; then, choose the type of work and students to include, and view the report.
If you use a report often, select the pin () on the report tile to add it to the Pinned Reports section at the top of the page so you can find it easily next time.
Reports that show targets only include targets set with the two target models for older students. Badge targets for young students will not be shown on reports.
The following reports are available:
Monitor Progress
- Summary Diagnostic Report: Use this report to see diagnostic codes and data about your students' quizzes taken and passed, average percentage correct, points earned, engaged minutes per day, average book level, and certification targets. You can generate this report for All Reading, which includes Reading Practice Quizzes and Article Quizzes, or for one of those quiz types.
- Student Performance Record Report: Use this report to see which quizzes each student has taken, including the quiz number, title, fiction/non-fiction, whether the quiz was read independently, the number and percentage of questions answered correctly, the points earned (achieved) and possible (measured), and the book level (difficulty level). You can also see the overall average percentage correct and book level for each student. You can generate this report for Reading Practice Quizzes, Article Quizzes Literacy Skills Quizzes, and/or Vocabulary Practice Quizzes.
- School Wide Summary Report: Use this report to see year-level or class-level data on your students' reading practice, including the number of students below 85% or 75% (depending on the option you choose), the average percentage correct for the class or year, the average book level, the points earned, and the median of points earned.
- TWI Report: Use this report to see information about quizzes that students took on books read independently, read to them, or read with them. The report shows you the average percentage correct, percentage of points earned, total points, average book level (difficulty level), and the number of quizzes passed and taken.
- Marking Period Progress Report: Use this report to see your students' average percentage correct, points earned, and average book level as well as the percentage of students who are at risk.
Certification and Achievement
- Word Count Report: Use this report to see the number of quizzes passed and taken and the number of words read based on the books that students took quizzes for. This report includes Reading Practice Quizzes and Article Quizzes.
- Target History Report: Use this report to see students' reading practice targets (average percentage correct, points, and certification targets) and their actual achievement.
- Targets Met Report: Use this report to see which students have (or have not) met their targets for a marking period or the school year. You can choose which targets to include (average percentage correct and/or points).
- Certificates for Student Achievement: Use this report to print certifications for students who have achieved reading certifications. Choose Reading Practice Quizzes when you generate this report since reading certifications are based on those quizzes.
- Certification Levels Report: Use this report to see the reading certifications that your students have achieved. Choose Reading Practice Quizzes when you generate this report since reading certifications are based on those quizzes.
Management Reports
- Book Labels Report: Use this to print labels for your books that include information about each book (such as title, author, book level and interest level) and the quiz (quiz number and points possible).
- Quiz List Report: Use this report to see information about quiz titles. For each quiz you will see the number, title, author, interest level, book level, points available, word count, and whether it is fiction or non-fiction.
Mastery Status
- Skills Status Report: Use this report to see students' percentage correct for the literacy skills in each skill area. These skills are addressed on Literacy Skills Quizzes.
- Student Mastery Record Report: Use this report to see information about your students' skills mastery based on Literacy Skills Quizzes.
- Words Learned Report: Use this report to see how many words students have learned and their average year level (based on Vocabulary Practice Quizzes taken).
- Ranking Report: This report ranks students by their average percentage correct (accuracy) on the quiz type that you select (Reading Practice, Literacy Skills, or Vocabulary Practice).
Quiz Usage
- Quiz Takers Report: Use this view to see how students did on specific quizzes. You select the quizzes to include, the classes (with all students or selected students), and the timeframe. For selected quizzes, you can see quiz and book information, students' percentage correct, and points earned.
Reports for Parents
- Practice Parent Report: Use this report to give parents information about their students' reading practice. For the quiz type that you select, the report includes the percentage correct and the percentage correct target (if one has been set for the time period that you have selected).
- Home Connect Send Home Letter: If you want students and parents to be able to see their progress on reading practice from home, use this letter to send parents the information they need to log in to Home Connect.
Administrators can also create historical extract files of Accelerated Reader data.
Teachers, staff, and administrators can also create Reading Snapshots to share the amount of reading students are doing or the percentage of students who are meeting their targets.