Click the My Certifications tab to see your reading certification targets and the certifications that you have earned.
The My Certifications tab is not available to younger students who earn badges for their reading practice targets.
If you are using Renaissance Home Connect, and your school or class is not using Accelerated Reader, you will not see certification information.
At the top of the page, the marking period that is happening now (current) is selected in the drop-down list, and you can see how much of the marking period has passed. You can choose a different marking period from the drop-down list.
First, you will see your reading certification target. In the example below, the target is Advanced Reader. Under the name, you will see how many books you need to read, how many points the books must be worth, and what book level they must be above. If your teacher has not set a certification target for you, the page will not show you a target.
Under your target, you will see certifications that you earned during the marking period. You will also see the date that you earned each one and what you needed to do for the certification. In the example above, the student earned a Super Reader certification.
You can earn the same certification more than once, so you might see the same name more than once.
Seeing Other Progress
Click one of the other tabs to see more information about your work. On the My Targets or My Progress tab, you can see how many points you have earned, your overall score, and your reading range; you can also see how many quizzes you have passed, information about your reading, and your Star scores. The My Completed Work tab shows you the reading quizzes that you have taken along with other assignments and tests.
Going Back to the Reading Page
If you want to go back to find and take a Reading quiz, select Reading at the top of the page. This option is not there if you are using Renaissance Home Connect.