If a student has accidentally taken a quiz while logged in as another student, you can transfer the quiz record to the correct student by following the steps below. You can transfer quiz records to another student in the same school, but not to a student in another school.
You can transfer Reading Practice Quizzes, Literacy Skills Quizzes, Vocabulary Practice Quizzes, and Article Quizzes. Note that transferring records will affect the original student's total points and progress toward points targets.
Note: If you do not want to transfer a quiz record, but you do not want it to count for the original student, you can deactivate the quiz record instead.
Who can do this with standard user permissions?
School Network Level Administrators, School Network Staff, School Level Administrators, Teachers*
*Teachers' ability to transfer student records is set by the Manage Quiz Results preference.
- On the Home page, select Accelerated Reader.
- If you have access to more than one school and/or more than one class, use the drop-down lists at the top of the page to choose the school and class whose information you want to see.
- Select the Latest Quiz tab.
- On the Latest Quiz tab, select the student whose quiz record you want to transfer.
- On the All Quizzes tab, you will see a list of the Reading Practice quizzes that the student has taken. If you want to see quizzes of another type, select Reading Practice Quizzes and choose the quiz type.
In the list of quizzes taken, administrators with the default user permissions will see quizzes from this school year and the previous school year. Teachers will only see quizzes from this school year unless they have been granted the View Students' Historical Assignments user permission.
- When you have found the quiz record that you want to transfer, select Actions in the row for that quiz; then, select Transfer Activity from the menu that opens. Note: If you are a teacher and the View TOPS option is the only one available, the Manage Quiz Results preference setting does not allow teachers to transfer quiz records; contact your school or software administrator to ask that the change be made.
You can also search for the quiz by title or number using the search field above the table.
For students whose classes use the two target models for older students, you can also transfer quizzes starting from the Student Targets tab on the Student Details page. Note that the Student Targets tab only lists quizzes from the selected marking period.
- The quiz that you are transferring is shown at the top of the next page:
Choose the teacher and class of the student who should actually receive credit for the quiz. Then, choose the student. - Select Transfer Activity at the bottom of the page.
A message will show you which students the activity is being transferred from and to. If you want to continue, select Yes. (If you need to make changes before transferring the activity, select No.)
You cannot transfer a quiz to a student who already has taken that quiz using his or her own user name and password. If the quiz record cannot be transferred to the student you chose, a message will tell you this.
- After you select Yes, a new message will tell you that the activity is being transferred and that the transfer may take a few minutes. Select OK.
When you return to the Student Details page, after a few minutes, the quiz record will be shown for the new student you selected instead of the original student. You will also see the change in other reports and dashboards; in some cases, it may take up to 30 minutes for the change to be shown.