Use the Latest Quiz tab in the Accelerated Reader Record Book to see the latest quizzes that your students have taken, including the date, title, book level, and quiz score.
How to Open the Record Book's Latest Quiz Tab
Who can do this with default permissions?
School Network Level Administrators, School Network Dashboard Owners, School Network Staff, School Level Administrators, Teachers
- To open the Accelerated Reader Record Book, on the Home page, select Accelerated Reader.
- Select the Latest Quiz tab.
Selecting the School and Class
At the top of the page, you will see a School drop-down list if you have access to more than one school and a Class drop-down list if you have access to more than one class. Use the drop-down list(s) to select the school and class whose information you want to view. You can view information for one class at a time.
Once you have chosen the class you want to work with, notice the school year summary information that is shown at the top of the page. You will see your students' average book level, the number of books they have read this school year, the number of articles they have read, the percentage of non-fiction they have read, and the number of words they have read (as shown through Reading Practice Quizzes and Article Quizzes).
Selecting the Quiz Type
When you first come to the Record Book's Latest Quiz tab, you will see the students' latest Reading Practice Quizzes. If you want to see information for another quiz type (Vocabulary Practice Quizzes, Literacy Skills Quizzes, or Article Quizzes), select the quiz type menu and choose the quiz type that you want to see.
Viewing the Latest Quizzes for the Class
You will see information about the latest quiz that each student has taken (based on the quiz type that you selected). The table includes the quiz date, title, ATOS book level (or Lexile®* measure) of the quiz, and the quiz score. Next to each quiz score, you will see a tick () if the student passed the quiz or an exclamation mark (
) if the student failed the quiz. In the example below, most students have passed their latest quizzes, but Amber has failed her most recent quiz. For more information about how students pass quizzes, see Passing Percentage.
The Lexile® Targets preference determines whether the ATOS book level or Lexile® measure is shown in the Record Book.
Deactivated quizzes are not shown on the Record Book's Latest Quiz tab, but if you select a student's name, you will see any deactivated quizzes for that student in the list on the Student Details page on the Quizzes tab.
If the student has taken a Star Reading test, and the book is outside of the student's Zone of Proximal Development or Lexile® Range, you will see a symbol next to the book level that shows you whether the book was above () or below (
) the ZPD or Lexile® Range. (If Lexile® Ranges are being shown, you will see
.) Hover over the symbol to see ideas for potential next steps. In the example below, Charlotte's latest quiz is on a book that is below her ZPD.
By default, the table is sorted by students' last names. If you want to sort by one of the other columns (quiz date, title, ATOS book level/Lexile® measure, or quiz score), select the column heading once to sort in ascending order; select it again to sort in descending order.
Viewing More Information for Individual Students
Select a student's name to see a list of quizzes that student has taken, or to see more information for that student (Zone of Proximal Development or Lexile® Range, number of books read, number of articles read, percent non-fiction, and number of words learned through Vocabulary Practice). When you view the student details, you can also view the student's TOPS Reports. Depending on your role and the setting of the Manage Quiz Results preference, you may also be able to rescore quizzes, transfer quizzes to other students, edit a quiz date, or deactivate quizzes.
Printing and Reports
If you want to print the page, select the print icon in the grey bar toward the top of the page.
If you want to go to the Reports page, select the Reports icon in the grey bar.
Other Tabs in the Record Book
To see or set your students' reading targets, select the Student Targets tab. (The tab name is Turn On Targets if you have not set student targets for this class yet.)
To see or set your student's certification targets, select the Certifications tab. This tab is not available if you have chosen the year 1-3 target model for your class; student badge targets are used instead of certifications.
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