Articles are no longer being added for Accelerated Reader. Existing articles are still available for students to read and take quizzes on, but Renaissance will not be continuing development of features for article quizzes.
In addition to taking quizzes on books, Accelerated Reader students can read high-interest non-fiction articles that are included with software, and they can take quizzes on the articles they read. Students follow the steps below to read articles and take quizzes. Teachers can see the students' results on the article quizzes.
Some schools may have turned off article quizzes in the Article Quiz Availability preference preference; if article quizzes are off, students cannot find articles, read them, or take Article Quizzes.
- On the student Home page, select Accelerated Reader.
- If you are enrolled in more than one Accelerated Reader class, select the name of the class for which you want to take a quiz; then, select Done.
If you change your mind about the class you want to choose, use the drop-down list at the top of the page to choose a different class.
If a message tells you that you cannot use Accelerated Reader from this computer, talk to your teacher. Your school might limit Accelerated Reader quizzing on certain computers, such as home computers.
- There are three ways to find an article and its quiz:
- You can select one of the articles in the "Articles you can read now" section at the top of the page. Then, select Read & Quiz in the window that opens.
- You can select an article in the Top Article Ideas for You under Discover Articles. Then, select Read & Take Quiz in the window that opens.
- You can type words to search for at the top of the page. If you see an article that you want to read in the results, select Read & Take Quiz for that article.
- You can select one of the articles in the "Articles you can read now" section at the top of the page. Then, select Read & Quiz in the window that opens.
If you have already taken a quiz on the article, you will see a "Quiz Complete" message instead of the Read & Take Quiz button. You cannot take the quiz again unless there is a Retake Quiz link under that message. If there is, when you select the link to retake the quiz, you will need the teacher to enter the authorisation password.
Note to teachers: if students do not see "Articles you can read now" or "Discover Articles", it may be because of their year or reading level. If students have taken Star Reading tests, only those whose Zone of Proximal Development includes book levels 3.6 or above will see article ideas. If students have not taken Star Reading tests, only students in years 3 and above will see article ideas.
- Next, select Start Quiz.
- The article will open. Read the article. Then, select Take Quiz.
- You will go to the quiz for the article.
If the program asks for an authorisation password before the quiz, the teacher needs to enter the password and select OK. (The Password Requirement preference sets whether the password is required, and the password for the class is set in the Authorisation Password preference.)
The Accelerated Reader date and time restrictions may also prevent students from taking quizzes on certain days or times; if so, you may be able to override the restrictions using an authorisation password (depending on the preference settings).
- Select your answer to each question; then, select Next. After you answer the last question, select See My Progress to go to a page where you can see your progress toward targets.
- When you finish, you will see your score. If you want to see a report with your results, select View TOPS Report.
Teachers can see students' quiz results in the Accelerated Reader Record Book. Students can see them when they select My Completed Work.