On the Student Targets tab of the Record Book, you can set targets, change targets, and view progress toward targets.
Before you come to this tab for the first time, you will be asked to choose your target model. This version of the Student Targets tab is used when you select one of the two target models for older students; if your class is using the target model for the youngest students, see Setting Badge and Token Targets for Young Students in the Accelerated Reader Record Book instead.
This version of the Student Targets tab is used for the following target models. Note that the names of the target models vary depending on your location:
- Recommended for Years 4-6 (UK), Years 3-5 (Australia), Years P5-P7 (Scotland and Northern Ireland), or Years 3rd Class - 5th Class (Republic of Ireland)
- Recommended for Years 7+ (UK), Years 6+ (Australia), Years S1+ (Scotland and Northern Ireland), or Years 6th Class+ (Republic of Ireland)
Reading practice targets for these models include average percentage correct, points earned, and reading range. You can also select the amount of daily reading time expected for your students. For more information about the target types, see Types of Reading Targets below.
Only passed quizzes count toward points and reading ranges; all quizzes count toward average percentage correct targets. Reading Practice Quizzes and Article Quizzes count toward targets, but Literacy Skills Quizzes and Vocabulary Quizzes do not. (If you do not want students to take Article Quizzes, you can use the Article Quiz Availability preference to turn off articles and article quizzes for your school.)
How to Open the Record Book's Student Targets Tab
Who can do this with default permissions?
School Network Level Administrators, School Level Administrators, Teachers*
*Other users cannot set targets; they can view any targets that have been set, but they cannot change them.
To open the Accelerated Reader Record Book, on the Home page, select Accelerated Reader.
When you have opened the Accelerated Reader Record Book, the Student Targets tab is selected by default; if you have selected a different tab, select Student Targets as shown below.
Selecting the School and Class
At the top of the page, you will see a School drop-down list if you have access to more than one school and a Class drop-down list if you have access to more than one class. Use the drop-down list(s) to select the school and class whose information you want to view. You can view information for one class at a time.
Once you have chosen the class you want to work with, notice the school year summary information that is shown at the top of the page. You will see your students' average book level, the number of books they have read this school year, the number of articles they have read, the percentage of non-fiction they have read, and the number of words they have read.
Selecting the Marking Period
Use the Marking Period drop-down list to choose the marking period that you want to see or set targets for. You can also select the school year if you want to set targets for the entire year.
The marking periods that are in the list are those that a school-level or school network-level administrator has added to the Renaissance software. If the selected class is set up for a time period that is shorter than the school year, only marking periods that occur during the class are available.
Only one target of each type (average percentage correct, points, and reading range) can be in effect for each marking period. If you select a marking period and change existing targets, the new targets will overwrite the old ones.
If a marking period's dates change, the date changes apply to targets for that marking period as well.
If a marking period is deleted, the targets are no longer available in the Record Book or in the student Progress view.
Once you choose a marking period, you can see the percentage of the marking period that has passed to help you evaluate how students are progressing on their targets.
Viewing and Editing Targets
Viewing Targets
When you first go to the Student Targets tab in the Record Book, you are asked to choose a target model. Once you have chosen a target model, targets are automatically set for your students based on their Star tests or year.
You will see each student's average percentage correct target, points target, and reading range information. You can sort the students by name, average percentage correct, or points target by selecting one of the headings.
Average percentage correct target status: Next to the student's percentage correct, a green arrow pointing up means the student's average is above the target, and a red arrow pointing down
means the student's average is below the target.
Point target status: For the points target, until the student starts, you will see below the target. Once the student begins earning points, you will see
if the student is earning points at a rate that make it likely the target will be met or
if the rate makes it possible the student will not meet the target. If the student meets the target exactly, you will see
. If the student earns more points than required for the target, you will see
. You will see the percentage of the target that the student has completed next to the target; you can compare the student's percentage to the percentage of the marking period that has elapsed, which is shown under the "Reading Targets" heading.
In the example above, Samuel is above his average percentage correct target, but he is falling behind on his points target. Isabelle has not yet started working on her targets; she has not taken any quizzes.
Reading Range status: Students are encouraged to read within the range of book levels that is set in the Record Book (shown below the status). The status shows how much of the student's reading is below, in, and above the expected range.
Message | What It Means |
The student has taken Accelerated Reader quizzes, but no reading range has been set yet. Edit targets to set reading ranges and see progress. | |
60% or more of the student's reading has included books and articles with levels that are within the reading range (the percentage is based on points, not number of quizzes passed). The student's average percentage correct is at or above 60%, so the student seems to be comprehending what they read. | |
50% or more of the student's reading has included books and articles with levels below the reading range, though the student's average percentage correct is at or above 60%. The student's current reading is not challenging enough based on the range. | |
50% or more of the student's reading has included books and articles with levels above the reading range, and the student's average percentage correct is below 60%. The student appears to be reading material that is too challenging. | |
This message appears when:
Types of Reading Targets
Targets are set for average percentage correct on quizzes, points earned, and reading range.
Targets are based on the Reading Practice Quizzes and Article Quizzes that the students have taken during the marking period.
- Average Percentage Correct Target: This target is for the average percentage correct score for all of the student's quizzes (passed or failed) taken during the marking period. This target shows whether students are comprehending what they read. The target may be set to 80% or any value from 85% to 90%. 85% is the suggested target.
- Reading Range: This is a target range of book levels for a student's reading. If reading ranges are set, students see those ranges in their book ideas in Accelerated Reader to help guide their book selection; they also see their reading ranges on the student progress page. By basing reading ranges on a student's Zone of Proximal Development or Lexile® range, you can encourage students to read at levels that are likely to promote growth. Note: Reading range targets are not reflected on reports.
- Points Target: The points target sets the number of points that you expect the student to earn from passing quizzes during the marking period. A points target is suggested based on the student's Star Reading test or reading age (if there is no Star score), the selected amount of daily reading time, and the number of days in the marking period (excluding days off). Note: If the administrator adds days off to the marking period after you have set the targets, repeat the steps below to get new suggested targets for your students.
If you are seeing targets for a student that you did not set, the targets may have been set for another class. Students can only have one set of targets for a marking period, so if a student is in more than one class in the same school, the targets set in one class apply to the student for all classes in that school. (If a student is in classes at different schools, they can have different targets for the class in each school; the student can see the targets for each school by changing the class they have selected in Accelerated Reader.)
Other target resources include Target-Setting Best Practices and the Target-Setting Chart for Independent Readers.
Students can also see their progress toward their targets. For more, see How Students View Progress on Quizzes Taken.
Editing Targets
There are two ways to start editing students' targets:
- If all students in your class have targets and you want to change them, select Edit Targets above the list of students.
- If individual students in your class do not have targets, either because they joined the class later or because you are working in a new marking period, you can select Edit Target for an individual student to open the Edit Reading Targets page, where you can edit targets for the entire class.
Next, you can edit targets for multiple students using the drop-down lists at the top of the page, or you can edit targets for individual students. Use your knowledge of your students in conjunction with the recommendations to set targets that will encourage student growth while celebrating your students' success.
Changing Targets for Multiple Students
At the top of the Edit Reading Targets page, you can make choices to set targets for multiple students. If you are editing targets for a marking period that is in progress, the percentage complete below the Edit Reading Targets heading will remind you how much of the marking period has passed.
Follow these steps:
- First, click the Select Students drop-down list. When the list opens, tick the students whose targets you want to change, or click Select All to tick all of the students. When you have finished, click away from the drop-down list to close it.
- If students have taken Star Reading tests, use the Star Reading Range For drop-down list to choose which Star test score to use for targets. The score that you select determines the Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) or Lexile® Range for each student. You can choose the first test each student took this school year (recommended), the latest test, each student's best test score, or currently selected test (the Star test that is already selected for each of the students). If some of your students have not taken Star Reading tests, their reading ages will be used instead to determine the ZPD or Lexile® Range. Note: This drop-down list is not available if none of the students in the class have taken Star Reading tests.
- The rest of the drop-down lists include optional settings; if you do not change them, Accelerated Reader will use the default selections to set targets.
Reading Range: For students who have taken Star assessments, based on the option you chose in the "Star Reading Range For" drop-down list, choose whether to set students' reading ranges to the full Zone of Proximal Development or Lexile® range, the lower portion (Moderate), or the upper portion (Ambitious).
Average % Correct: The default average percentage correct target is 85%. If you want to set a different target for all students, select the drop-down list. You can choose 80%, 85% (recommended), 86%, 87%, 88%, 89%, or 90%. If you do not want to apply a new average percentage correct target to the selected students, choose Clear Selection in the drop-down list; students will keep their current targets if you do this.
Daily Reading Time: Choose the number of minutes students are expected to read each day: 15 (recommended), 20, 30, 35, 45, or 60. Select Clear Selection if you do not want to set the same daily reading time for all students.
Reading Range: For students who have taken Star assessments, based on the option you chose in the "Star Reading Range For" drop-down list, choose whether to set students' reading ranges to the full Zone of Proximal Development or Lexile® range, the lower portion (Moderate), or the upper portion (Ambitious).
- After making your selections, select Generate New Targets.
- In the message that opens, select Yes, update selected students if you want to continue and update the students' targets, or No, do not update if you decide not to continue.
- Review each student's targets and make adjustments if necessary; if the marking period is in progress, you will see the student's actual achievement so far below each target. When you are ready to save targets and leave the page, select Save Targets. (If you decide not to save your changes, select Cancel Edit; then, select Delete Changes to confirm that you want to leave editing without saving your changes.)
Changing Targets for Individual Students
You can also change targets for individual students, either directly or using the Target Calculator.
Changing Individual Targets Manually
Note: If the marking period is in progress and the student has taken quizzes, you will see the student's actual achievement for the marking period below each target.
- To change a student's average percentage correct target, select the drop-down list in the column for the student. 85% is the recommended target (shown by
- To change a student's points target, click in the points field for the student and enter a new value. Points can be entered as a whole number or with one digit after the decimal place.
- For reading range targets, you can change existing reading ranges by clicking in the fields and changing the numbers. If no ranges have been added, select Add under the English heading; then, enter the range. For ATOS book levels, you can enter whole numbers or numbers with one decimal place (such as "5" or "5.4"). For Lexile® measures, enter whole numbers for the target (omit the "L") or "BR" for all BR levels. Below the fields, if the student has passed quizzes during the target time period, you will see the student's actual average book levels, and if the student has taken a Star test, you will see the student's Zone of Proximal Development and the test date.
When you have finished, select Save Targets. (If you decide not to make your changes, select Cancel Edit; then, select Delete Changes to confirm that you want to leave editing without saving your changes.)
Using the Target Calculator
If you want to use the Target Calculator to adjust an individual student's targets, select Target Calculator under the student's name.
In the Target Calculator, use the Daily Reading Time drop-down list to choose the number of minutes you expect this student to read every day: 15 (recommended), 20, 30, 35, 45, or 60 minutes. This affects the number of points the student can be expected to earn; more reading should lead to the student earning more points.
If the student has taken more than one Star Reading test this school year, use the Baseline Test drop-down list to choose which reading range to base the student's targets on; the ranges may be shown as Zones of Proximal Development or Lexile® Ranges. The ranges shown are based on the student's test scores; you will also see the test date next to each range. Note: If the student took multiple tests on the same day, only the latest test for that date will be shown in the drop-down list.
If the student has not taken a Star Reading test, you will see a reading age drop-down list instead. Use it to choose the student's reading age in years; then, when a second drop-down list appears, choose the months. When you select the reading age, that is used to determine a ZPD or Lexile® Range for the student.
Use the Reading Range drop-down list to choose the type of target that you want to set: Full ZPD (based on the baseline test or the reading age), Moderate (the lower end of the student's Zone of Proximal Development or Lexile® range), or Ambitious (the upper end of the student's ZPD or Lexile® range).
When you have finished choosing the target options, select Apply. The student's targets will be updated based on your selections, and you can make adjustments if necessary. (If you decide not to use the Target Calculator once you have opened it, click outside the window to close it.)
When you have finished, select Save Targets. (If you decide not to make your changes, select Cancel Edit; then, select Delete Changes to confirm that you want to leave editing without saving your changes.)
Changing the Target Model for the Class
Generally, it is best to choose a target model at the beginning of the school year and then continue with that target model to avoid changing how students see their targets. However, if you find that another model would work better for your students, or if you want to change a model as students begin targets for a new marking period, follow these steps:
- Select Edit Targets.
- Select Change Target Model. (You may need to select Leave to confirm that you want to leave the Edit Reading Targets page without saving targets.) Note: If the Change Target Model button is not available, you do not have the user permissions required to change the target model.
- On the Edit Target Theme page, choose the target model that you want to use for the class.
More about the target models available
There are three target models available; the model names are based on the ages/years of your students.
Recommended for Years 1-3 (UK), Years K-2 (Australia), Years P2-P4 (Scotland and Northern Ireland), or Years SI - 2nd Class (Republic of Ireland)
This is an engaging target model for the youngest students. Students earn tokens when they pass quizzes, and those tokens count toward character badges. Teachers select the student Star test scores (or reading ages) to base targets on; then, they set the expected amount of daily reading time. Based on these selections, the software calculates each student's target for passed quizzes for the students' entire school year (not individual marking periods). Targets are based on the number of tokens required for each badge because students see the targets in terms of how many badges they need to earn. For more information, see Setting Badge and Token Targets for Young Students in the Accelerated Reader Record Book and the Target-Setting Chart for Emerging Readers.
Recommended for Years 4-6 (UK), Years 3-5 (Australia), Years P5-P7 (Scotland and Northern Ireland), or Years 3rd Class - 5th Class (Republic of Ireland)
In this target model, teachers set targets for students' average percentage correct, points earned, and reading range; these targets are selected for specific marking periods. When students view their progress, their points earned are represented by a rocket traveling toward a planet, and students can see how close they are to the target, how much time is left, and whether they are on track to meet their target. A gauge shows students whether they are meeting their average percentage correct target; a message tells the student more about how their book selection matches the reading range. Students can also see information about their reading, including the number of quizzes they have passed, the number of words they have read, and the percentage of fiction and non-fiction they have read. Below that, students can see their Star Reading and Star Maths scores if they have scores from the selected marking period. A Marking Period drop-down list lets students see whether they met past targets.
Recommended for Years 7+ (UK), Years 6+ (Australia), Years S1+ (Scotland and Northern Ireland), or Years 6th Class+ (Republic of Ireland)
This target model is similar to the previous model, but using images that are suitable for older students. As in that model, teachers set marking period targets for students' average percentage correct, points earned, and reading ranges. Students see all the same information; however, instead of a rocket, students are shown their points progress on a bar graph.
- Select Save Changes. In the message that opens, select Yes, Change Theme if you want to to continue and change the theme, or select No, Go Back if you want to make a different selection. (If you decide not to change the theme at all, select Cancel on the Edit Target Theme page.)
Viewing an Individual Student's Targets and Quizzes
To see one student's targets and the quizzes that they have taken, select the student's name. For more information, see Student Details - Student Targets (Older Students).
Other Tabs in the Record Book
To see the quizzes your students have taken, select the Latest Quiz tab.
To see or set your student's certification targets, select the Certifications tab.
Going to Other Accelerated Reader Pages
At the top of the page, you will see links to other Accelerated Reader pages:
- Reports will take you to the Reports page and the Accelerated Reader / Reading Practice tab. For more about reports, see Accelerated Reader Reports.
- Manage Books & Quizzes will take you to the Manage Content page, where you can add teacher-made quizzes, manage books, or view information about reading practice quizzes, literacy skills quizzes, vocabulary practice quizzes, and article quizzes. You can also take sample quizzes.
- Reading Snapshots lets you create images or counters that share your students' progress on reading or reading targets.
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