There are several ways for you to block students from taking quizzes in Accelerated Reader:
- By managing the quizzes/books or articles that are available. School network and school administrators can choose specific books or articles and quizzes to be available or unavailable at a school. They can also choose not to make articles and article quizzes available using the Article Quiz Availability preference.
- Using the Dates and Times for Accelerated Reader Preference. You can use these preference settings to block the students in a school from taking a quiz before, after, or during certain times, days, or dates. This block applies to all quiz types. Note: The teacher or teaching assistant can override this block using the authorisation password for reading quizzes if you have chosen to allow this in the preference settings.
- Using the Book Levels and Interest Levels preferences. These preferences allow you to restrict quizzing for individual students to the book level ranges and interest levels that you select. The restrictions apply to all quiz types. The Book Levels and Interest Levels preferences are under Individual Student Preferences on the Preferences page. Note: The teacher or teaching assistant can override these restrictions using the authorisation password for reading quizzes if you have chosen to allow this in the Authorisation Password Override for Book/Interest Level Preference.