TWI (read To the student, read With the student, or read Independently) is the most developmentally sound and inclusive concept for in-school reading practice. Within the TWI framework, emergent and beginning readers have books read aloud to them. We call this "Read To." As students progress, there may be a period of assisted, one-on-one reading practice during which a student works with an adult or more experienced reader. We call this "Read With." When a student is able to read on his own, we call it "Read Independently." Even at the independent reading stage, however, Read To and Read With activities are not dropped. Rather, a mix of Read To, Read With, and Read Independently continues all the way through school, with varying amounts of each. (For established readers, about 80 per cent of points earned should come from independent reading practice.)
Use the TWI Settings in the Quiz Settings to determine whether students are asked how books were read before they take a Reading Practice Quiz. (If students are not asked, the software assumes all books were read independently.)
Use the TWI Report to get a summary of each student's Reading Practice Quiz results for books read To, read With, or read Independently.